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STEP 1: Get Your Footing


To start, stand with your feet shoulder width apart. If you are right footed, place your right foot slightly in front of your left foot. If you are left footed, place your left foot slightly in front of your right foot.(Do not stand with your feet pointing out, what some people call, "duck-footed.")



STEP 2: Setting the Bar


To prevent injury, do not place the bar on the top of your spine. In this same step, place your hands next to your shoulders. Wrap your thumbs around the bar, but do no put any pressure on your back. You do not want to be forcing the bar down onto your back. Keeping your back straight, bend at your knees as if you were going to sit back in a chair, while keeping your heels on the floor.



STEP 3:  Performing the Squat


Thrust your hips forward (do not stick your butt out). Pull in your abs, and keep your lower back in a near neutral position (a slightly arched back might be unavoidable). Now, in a controlled manner slowly lower yourself down and back so that your upper legs are nearly parallel with the floor. Then once in the lower position, push upwards from your heels and lift the weight while maintaining good, proper and safe form. 

How To: The Perfect Squat

To perfect a back squat you must start with the least amount of weight as possible. If you stack on too much weight, you are likely to hurt yourself. Once you have practiced and mastered the technique for a back squat, you can start to add weight. But, be sure to always have a spotter behind you to prevent injuries. As with any athletic endeavor, warming up and stretching is necessary to prevent strain or injury. 


Non-Traditional WORKOUTS

So, you do not like to lift weights or go to a typical workout class? No problem! There are several alternative workouts available for someone just like you. Whether you like to exert high energy or calmly work every muscle in your body, we are certain that you will find a alternative workout style that meets your every need! 


Going to the gym might be hard for a beginner. No one wants to be embarassed in front of a room full of strangers. Our resident gym expert, Josh, designed a simple How-To, step-by-step guide for any beginner wanting to start lifting weights. A leg squat is a great lift to develop leg muscle and get your feet wet in the weight room. 

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